
The Actual Physics of Human Communication

The Book


Making it Safe to Love - The Loving Communication© Principles

This puts in your hands the quantum principles of human connection – but in a form that’s easily digestible (we wrote it so it’s fun, warm and clear). It’s real power you can use immediately with your kids, teens, parents, lovers, mothers-in law, etc. 

These principles have been proven for 30 years in human interaction and they’re the foundation of human connection. Their use produces immediate dissolution of misunderstanding and a warm togetherness.

Now we can intentionally create genuinely loving relationships, in our homes and in all of your important relationships. 

“ No other approach addresses the inherent obstacles to relationship in such a short, sweet and effective way. The process is simple, gentle and kind. It yields immediate greater intimacy.”

“The greatest tool I’ve encountered for personal growth…it showed me how to work with the creative power of emotions.”


Solid Ground Consulting

Guidance by Fred J. Keyser | 415 299 7451 | All rights Reserved ©2021