
Making Open Loving Connection

The Work


Making it Safe to Love with The Loving Communication© Principles

Would you agree that to be good at any game or endeavor you need to know the rules? For example, if you are following basketball rules on the football field you will not be a happy camper (you might get hurt).  In life and in human relationship if you are getting hurt or are feeling alienated, frustrated or discouraged, it’s because you don’t know the rules of the game.  You may not have even known that there are rules in that game. There are and they are here.

When we engage you will see and feel very quickly just how simple it is to be effective, to settle arguments and issues and to achieve real closeness just by knowing the rules of the game.

It’s just like surfing a wave in the ocean - rather than trying to hold it back with your surfboard!  

 Call Fred at 415 299 7451 to book your session or to ask any question and to get a sense whether this work is right for you. You can also use the contact page.

Private session: 2 hour Zoom - $250.00. Sessions get right to immediate results for your issue.

Testimonials from Clients

This 13 minute video shows a series of testimonies by actual clients and workshop participants.